The therapy was a major factor in Cosmo’s recovery, and the therapists were nothing but professional and great. I can’t thank Wizard of Paws enough—I’m not sure what I would have done without them!
The therapy was a major factor in Cosmo’s recovery, and the therapists were nothing but professional and great. I can’t thank Wizard of Paws enough—I’m not sure what I would have done without them!
“Debbie is an expert in her field of Animal Physical Therapy. As someone who has both worked with her both professionally and used her services as a client, I have only the highest regard for her knowledge base and hands on skills with dogs. She teaches internationally on the subject of Animal Physical Therapy and we are lucky, here in the Northeast, that we can get our companions to her facility and care regularly. She is an excellent teacher with much to offer the dog world.”
Debbie, I love the information you provide for rehabbing dogs. I’ve been using your “ball work” for my corgi, Stormy, who had surgery for luxating patellas a few years ago and then pulled her iliopsoas muscle, taking her out of agility for over a year. With the help of your exercises, she got her MACH 2 yesterday – so thank you. You provide a wonderful service for our athletic dogs.
Just wanted to say thank you again for all your help with Vis. I know it’s been awhile, but as I was watching him jump over the sofa yesterday, I think of all the things the neurosurgeon said he’d never do again. All the post-op rehab work was SO well worth it! Thanks to people like you. You’re the best!
They have helped my dog Tucker recover from his cruciate surgery and bounce back better and stronger and they keep my dog Ace in tip top condition between the water treadmill and egg work.
My newly adopted 6 year old Fox terrier tore her ACL 4 months after I got her. Deb and staff helped me through the scary aftermath with all of the in house therapy and out of house support! You were all very patient with me as a very nervous “mom” who had a million questions about Bonnie’s recuperation. I could not have gotten through it without the therapy and fantastic feedback and moral support.
Wizard of Paws has been involved in ALL of our dog’s lives! From Vee to Boomer to Kazee to Catcher, whenever they need support, Deb is there to give it. We’ve learned prevention techniques, maintenance practices, and had expert care when needed. If ever a wizard of wiz there was, that’s Deb and the staff of Wizard of Paws!
My dog Ramona had FCE. It was devastating for me because she is my hiking partner. I even went and bought a baby stroller so she could still come walking with me. Thanks to Wizard of Paws the baby stroller is collecting dust. Ramona is totally mobile …she is 10 this year and is able to go out and put me to shame with her energy and endurance. Wizard of Laws got her back and her biweekly visits help to keep her going. THANK YOU GUYS!!!!!!