A veterinarian’s referral is necessary for an evaluation and treatment of your animal. We will keep in constant contact with your veterinarian on your dog’s progress to insure the best care for your pet!

Download our WizardofPaws Vet Referral to bring to your dog’s veterinarian.

Animal physical rehabilitation can make a difference in the lives of all animals. Physical rehabilitation treats animals with dysfunction, injury, pain or physical abnormalities through the application of physics, biomechanics, anatomy, physiology, and psychology. Treatment techniques include modalities (ice, heat, electrical stimulation, and ultrasound), joint mobilization, soft tissue mobilization and massage, therapeutic exercise, aquatic therapy, acupressure, and much more.

Many animals can benefit from the services of physical rehabilitation. In the human world of health care, we receive physical rehabilitation after an injury or surgery, for any type of pain or dysfunction. We also receive treatment after neurological injuries (such as a stroke), for fractures, sprains or strains, for the treatment of wounds, athletic injuries, arthritic conditions (Lyme Disease) and the effects of aging (osteoarthritis).

Animals can receive physical rehabilitation for all of the above. Too often, our pets do not receive physical rehabilitation and this may prevent them from returning to a full recovery.

Some of the diagnoses commonly treated with physical rehabilitation:

  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Elbow Dysplasia
  • Spinal conditions
  • Post surgical conditions – orthopedic and neurological
  • ACL or CCL injuries
  • Muscle Strains/Pulls
  • Arthritis
  • Degenerative Myelopathy
  • Athletic Injuries
  • Sore joints
  • Fibrocartilagenous Emboli
  • Post fracture management
  • Trauma
  • Disc conditions

And many more – please contact us with any questions on your dog’s condition

Speak with your veterinarian about physical rehabilitation for your pet. A veterinarian’s referral is needed for the evaluation and treatment of your pet. If you are having difficulty speaking with your veterinarian about a referral, please contact us and we can contact your veterinarian for you.

Until the initial evaluation, the most important thing you can do at home for your pet is to become cognizant of all of the limitations and problems your pet may be having. For example, is your dog presenting with stiffness in the morning or after exercise? Also, it will be important for you and the physical therapist to set up reasonable goals for your pet. For example, it is very reasonable to set a goal to return a 2 year old yellow Labrador Retriever to walking 5 miles a day. However, this may not be reasonable for a 13 year old Labrador Retriever.

Depending upon the diagnosis and condition of your pet, improvements may be seen with one session or it may take 3 or 4 sessions. Dogs with arthritis usually demonstrate small improvements immediately and larger improvements in a few weeks. Younger dogs may also demonstrate immediate improvements.

Most animals (dogs, cats, horses to name a few) can benefit from physical rehabilitation. Realistically, there are many conditions that physical rehabilitation cannot cure. For example, physical rehabilitation treatments will not cure cancer, arthritis, or progressive neurological diseases. However, it can help improve the quality of life for many animals and it will help them lead longer and more functional lives.

Physical rehabilitation can certainly play a role in the prevention of injuries. It is critical that owners maintain the musculoskeletal health of their pets and recognize any injuries or problems. Early detection may prevent further problems from occurring.

Absolutely!  We offer packages for the healthy dog to come in and get regular exercise.  This is especially popular when the weather makes it difficult to exercise regularly — the cold of the winter or the heat of the summer.

The underwater treadmill is a wonderful cross training tool and is a benefit to any dog’s program.  For example, we have performance dogs come in once to twice a week to exercise in the underwater treadmill for thirty to forty-five minute sessions.  We also have dogs that have undergone rehabilitation come back in once or twice a week for underwater treadmill sessions.

All sessions are monitored and the cost starts at $50 a session.

Performance dogs, dogs with weight issues, arthritic pets and dogs that have recovered from conditions are perfect candidates for this program!